A Sweet Sip

A few ladies of our church have been going through a Bible study of the Patriarchs. This 10-week study has proved to be very informative and I’ve been so blessed to be learning so many nuggets of truth that I have overlooked the many times I’ve read the ‘stories’ of Genesis.

This morning, the reading was focused primarily on Joseph during his time in prison and the opportunity he had to be the interpreter of dreams to the chief butler (cupbearer) and baker.

A statement that was expressed was that we as Christians are cupbearers of Christ offering a taste of God to those around us! Wow! I had never thought of that before. Does the outflow of my life as a born again believer of God allow for others to “taste and see that the Lord is good”? (Psalm 34:8). Do they get to experience some of the sweetness of Jesus and his love for us by the words I say and the things I do? Am I a refreshment to weary, discouraged, dry hearts just like a sip of sweet grape juice may be on parched lips? Or do I live from day to day grumbling, complaining, having a negative outlook, and maybe even condemning others so that the ‘outpouring of juice’ from my cup ends up being distasteful and bitter causing the world (and maybe even Christians) to turn away and have a wrong view of the character of God within me?

Oh, would to God that I would always be a surrendered vessel in the hand of the Potter. I desire to always seek Him, listen to Him, and obey Him so that my flesh is crucified and He is glorified! I want others to want Jesus because they see Him living in me!

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